MARCH 11, 2009

Stanley "STUB" Fadden.

You will be sadly missed.


(Click on above for information on the Declaration of Independence)

All Good Things Must Come to an end.

(Click on above for information to help Defend our U.S. Constitution)

On Saturday, March 31st, 2007
After Ten and a half years on the air,

"Constitutionally Speaking" aired it's last
TV show...Program #546.**
** - The last program air date was put off until the following week due to Frank's illness.
The re-schedule date for the last program on the following
Saturday, April 7th, 2007 was cancelled due to the snowstorm earlier in the week.
If the show ever does air in the future (it's already been taped) keep looking here
and on the KATV bulletin board to find out when it will air)

Frank would like to thank KATV program director, Jamie Dimick,(and all of his student assistants in the Radio & TV curriculum at Lyndon State College through the years) not only for all the technical support throughout all our time on the air, but for having the faith in our ability to produce a quality weekly two hour show that we didn't even believe in the beginning would last ten weeks, never mind ten years. If you were a regular viewer and enjoyed recieving the education & information that we here at Constitutional Communications provided you with every week over the past decade, then please call Jamie Dimick at (802)626-4505 & thank him yourself for the benefits you enjoyed each & every week from viewing "Constitutionally Speaking".

Frank would also like to thank his various co-hosts throughout the years.

1. Paul Ingbretson of Pike, NH who went on to be multiple term N.H. State Representative for his home district.

2. Former Vermont State Representative, Neil Randall of Bradford, VT who opened up his "Liberty Library & Resource Center" on his home property for us to have as our first professional looking studio to shoot the show from with an excellent group of early show guests. He had plans to turn his own personal motor home into a "Liberty Library On the Road" type bookmobile to share his extensive library of historic & Constitutional reference books with the school children of the twin state region.

3. "Karen" of St. Johnsbury, VT, who for a short time filled in as "guest" host to give the show a "Constitutional Review of Current News & Events" at that time from a woman's perspective. She was a frequent contributor by mail & e-mail & helped start a Northeast Kingdom Chapter of The John Birch Society, so she was invited to share her opinions on air & she graciously accepted while a permanent replacement was found for her predecessors.

4. Harry Hatch of North Haverhill, NH was the last co-host of any real length of time over several years until he launched his own weekly one hour show entitled
"'Straight Talk' with Harry Hatch" which is still on
Charter Communications Cable TV Community Cable Access Channel #7
on Thursdays at 3:30 & 8:30pm as well as Fridays at 10:00am.
(On a personal note to my opinion, the shows we did together were the BEST shows ever produced by any amateur community cable access producers anywhere. I had the BEST time ever in my amateur media life going back to my talk radio days at WTSL AM 1400 in Lebanon, NH to writing Op-Ed pieces in the bi-weekly newspaper "The Northcountry News" (under it's previous & first publisher) in the early to mid 1990's. My other co-hosts before & after you brought their own personal styles of delivering the WARNING ABOUT THE COMING NEW WORLD ORDER THREAT TO OUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS & NATIONAL SOVEREIGNTY, but you made it entertaining & fun as well as informative for the viewing public & me. It was just DAMNED FUN working with you which is why it was too damned hard to find someone to replace you.
So as Bob Hope used to say, "Thanks for the Memories".
Continued good luck with your show & I'm hoping you'll fill the void left by the absence of "Constitutionally Speaking" of a locally produced amateur community cable access TV show intended to educate the public about the threat to our beloved country's national sovereignty & our own cherished, personal sovereignty & God given Constitutional Rights.)

5. Harold Brown of Woodsville, New Hampshire. My last (but certainly not least in dedication to the cause of Freedom) co-host before trying to unsuccessfully go it alone.

Finally, apologies to my final co-host, "Mischelle P." of Springfield, VT whose inaugural appearance with me at a late February / early March "Impeach Bush & Cheney" rally at the Middle Earth Music Hall in Bradford, VT. where Gold Star Mom and anti-Iraq war activist Cindy Sheehan spoke along with several former military personnel who were members of Iraq Veterans Against the War. Mischelle was an intelligent, articulate & attractive mother of three being prepared to take over the co-hosting duties with Frank until his physical condition continued to worsen making it impossible for him to continue the commitment to the show's production on any regular weekly, bi-weekly or even monthly basis which was unfair to the folks at KATV & moreso to you, our faithful viewers.

Along with Harry Hatch's Informative weekly show, we also recommend watching the excellent government watchdog program "Democracy Now" every Monday through Friday at 8:00am & 6:00pm on KATV.

Frank would like to publicly thank all the guests throughout the years, some of whom were repeat contributors to the program. If anyone has been left out of the list of personal "Thanks" & gratitude, please understand that the omission was not intentional.

Finally, Frank would like to thank you, the viewers of the TV Show, visitors to this website, espescially those who contacted him by e-mail, "snail" mail, or just stopped him in a public place to express support. To those who took the time to call KATV to express their thanks & support for the show, please accept our heartfelt "THANKS!!!" because without your valuable input we could have never become the longest running amateur produced community cable access TV show throughout ALL of New England & Northern New York.

(Click on above to learn how you can RESTORE our lost "Bill of Rights")

As long as he is physically able to,
Frank will continue to update this
website with help from the webmaster.

So check back here as often as you like.

Congressman Ron Paul of Texas is declared the
winner of the first 2008 GOP Presidential debate in South Carolina
by the viewers who watched it on

Visitors to this website

You are VISITOR #
to this website since November, 1998.

Please Sign Our


Where are
you from:

Click on images below to access the
Constitution of the Confederate States of America

E-mail addresses:

For "Constitutional Communications" & Frank is: ConComm @

Web Master for ConComm Website is: ConCommNews @
(send us your stories)

Rogers' Rangers Twin State Militia
is Live-Free-or-Die @

Postal Address for the
Constitutional Communications is:
P.O. Box 239
Bradford, VT 05033 Tel. # for Constitutional Communications is:
(603) 676-7217 (sorry, no longer in service) in Hanover, N.H.

Tel. # for Rogers' Rangers Radio is: (802) 535-3210 (sorry, no longer in service) in St. Johnsbury, VT
The above # is NOT the call in line for
"Rock 'n Talk" hosted by "The Midnight Rambler"
from midnight - 4am every night on Rogers'Rangers Radio.

Click on below

Click on the picture of
General John Stark (below)
to access the Main Page of the
"Constitutionally Speaking" Web Site
as it appeared on the last week
prior to the show's final broadcast.

"Live Free or Die. Death is not the worst of evils."
- General John Stark

This "Constitutional Communications" website has been
on-line for 558 weeks as of Sunday - August 30th, 2009.

The 414th week since the start of World War III on September 11, 2001.
The U.S. Government's War on International Terrorism?
War on our Constitutional Rights?

To the best of my ability I will start updating news of importance to keep you updated as I did on my weekly News & Opinion show "Constitutionally Speaking".
Please Click here to access that page.
As the race for the White House becomes more well defined as of the start of this new feature added to the website on the 336th week since the start of WWIII it is imperative in my opinion that a REAL GOOD second look be given to Republican Presidential candidate John McCain, the "Song Bird of the Hanoi Hilton".

"IMUS is BACK!!!"


Now if we can just get back on any radio station in the Upper Valley, morning drive time would be perfect. (The so-called "Upper Valley Pulse" WMXR - 93.9FM in Woodstock, VT has gone from being a GREAT Competitive station to being a prime example of modern day radio station mediocrity with it's national satellite programming feeds and computerized controls without any human presence to prevent the interruption of

New England Patriots

Boston Red Sox games.

The management of this station is a disgrace and should be boycotted by all of it's advertisers.

If anyone doubted as to whether or not I was going to shrink from the "letting my opinion be known" scene just because I'm no longer on TV, I guess I just proved that wrong on this December 4th, 2007. But I can't continue to air my views on this page. So keep checking here if you are interested and I'll create a new opinion page soon.

The U.S. Dollar is soon to be merged with
the Canadian Dollar & Mexican Peso.
(Later with all the currencies of Central & South America according to the New World Order planners)
click on first image below for information on how to stop the politicians from selling out our economic sovereignty.

Going overseas anytime soon?
Click on below to see how our devalued dollar is decreasing in value DAILY compared to other currencies.

or could it be

Could this be the reason why plans are being made to introduce "The Amero Currency"? Or will the picture below be George Bush's parting shot to the American Taxpayer for spending us into Economic OBLIVION???

Click on Picture above to access info on the
REAL Message behind the gesture by our "Commander-in-Chief" on Flag Day, 2007.
The message is: "Wave it all you want. This flag don't mean shit. It's the Constitution that protects your rights you stupid sheeple; and on May 9th, 2007 I ordered the final destruction of that document by signing National Security Presidential Directive #51 officially making myself Dictator. When the next (alleged) terrorist attack occurs I will not only ignore Congress, I will make the legislative & the judicial branches of government abandon their Constitutional responsibilities or I'll disband them when I declare martial law as predicted in December, 2003 by my first Iraqi Invasion Commander, General Tommy Franks in his interview with "Cigar Officianado" Magazine.

*Click here---> <---Click here*

(*=Click on the posters above & reproduce as many copies as you can post & distribute to educate the public about this important website)

Click on the barbed wire to find out how you can obtain this EXTREMELY
IMPORTANT informational video for only $10.00 (and as little as a dollar).

This site is dedicated to my two daughters
who are each in her own way...

To the NEWEST addition to the family,
my FIRST Grandchild
Hayley Marie Natola - D.O.B. 9-17-2007

born to my oldest daughter who has made me a proud grandpa
or "Papa" as I will be called by my grand-daughter.

I dedicate this site also to my soul mate, my
who is my
my & my
We are

She is my...

My Hungarian Queen is HOT STUFF!!!

Click on below to read about the most famous of the Confederacy's Hungarian "Freedom Fighters".

Click on here--->>> to access a TRUE history website.

- Former British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill